If you are using our website, app.gigpro.com, for your business and the site is running slow or not working properly, use the troubleshooting solutions below to solve the issue:
- Refresh your Browser
- If the website freezes are starts acting strange, refreshing the page can often solve the issue.
- Clear your Browser Cache (History)
- Browser cache (history) stores previous uses of our website. If we release a new feature, the app may slow down or not show the new feature. Clearing your browser cache can often solve many performance problems. See below how to clear your browser cache.
- Browser cache (history) stores previous uses of our website. If we release a new feature, the app may slow down or not show the new feature. Clearing your browser cache can often solve many performance problems. See below how to clear your browser cache.
- Keep your device updated
- Older version of operating systems can cause performance issues. Make sure your device has the latest software updates.
If the solutions above do not solve the issue, fill out our business support form here and we will be glad to assist you.